
26 September 2022

Home Improvement

Four Energy Efficient Upgrades That Can Save You Money Each Month

Fall is officially here, which means pumpkin spice everything, colourful trees slowly shedding leaves all over lawns and—to a less exciting degree—a crisp chill in the air. As mercury drops on thermometers, our need to be warm increases dramatically, affecting heating and energy bills, depending on one's home.

With natural gas rates hitting decade-long highs, it's more important than ever for finance-concerned families to explore ways to mitigate costs and help wrangle in bills—taking control of their household expenditures.

This can be done by making some strategic renovations to help your home run more efficiently. The immediate savings can offset your monthly costs and eventually pay for themselves, adding more value to your home.

Change old, inefficient windows


One of the easiest ways to reduce your energy bill is to repair or replace old windows around your home. Low hanging fruit would be to replace the caulking that seals your windows in, which could make a big difference if old, weather-beaten caulking is allowing heat to escape, forcing your furnace to work harder, and letting cold air in, making living spaces uncomfortable and inconsistent.

Replace old, inefficient appliances


It’s a fact: as your electrical appliances age, they become less efficient and (to continue working effectively) consume more energy. For example, looking at one of the largest consumers in most homes, the refrigerator, they (in general) increase their energy use up to 20% after 10 years—and keep increasing until you replace it. Switching to ENERGY STAR appliances will net instant savings, as well as qualify buyers for potential rebates.

Attic insulation is everything


When is the last time you checked the insulation in your attic? Homeowners can lower their monthly energy costs up to 20% by properly installing and maintaining insulation in their attics, reducing the amount of general wear and tear on their heating and cooling systems.

Roof condition is key


Did you know that the colour, material and overall construction of your home’s roof can affect your energy bills? It’s true! The correct roof can be crucial to maintaining a comfortable temperature inside your home throughout the year. Not to mention, you can almost immediately add 68% of the installation cost to the total value of your home while (likely) enjoying a reduction in your home insurance rates.

Home renovations aren’t cheap; even with potential grants, there are upfront, non-recoupable costs which can hold you back from moving forward. LendCare has your back! Contact us today to see how our loans can help you turn the cost of efficient upgrades into smaller, manageable payments.

Extra Payments Made Easy

We’ve made it easy for you to manage your loan with flexible payment options.

Making extra payments on your loan is a great way to make progress toward your financial goals.   

Here’s how you can get started: 

Click here for detailed instructions.