
3 octobre 2023


How To Get More Uninsured Patients Into Your Dental Clinic

It's a fact: a third of Canadians lack dental coverage. This often makes them think twice about visiting a dental clinic or moving forward with dental procedures—regardless of their budget. As a result, statistics show that one in five Canadians are likely to opt out of regular visits to the dentist.

So, how can clinics bridge the gap for these uninsured Canadians and turn them into loyal patients? Below, we break down four possible strategies, from free incentives to subscription packages.

Build Trust With Incentives

Giveaways are a great way to build trust with uninsured patients. In fact, one recent study showed that giveaways can increase a business’s conversion rate by up to 34%. That's higher than almost any other type of advertising. Whether offering free whitening kits through contests or giving branded swag to patients who schedule complimentary consultations, a low-cost investment can yield significant benefits.

Even a modest conversion rate could drive new patients to your clinic, not to mention result in valuable word-of-mouth referrals.

Create Subscription Packages

Numerous clinics have found success in offering membership packages to their uninsured patients. Depending on their resources, these can be as simple or complex as a practice can manage. Generally, these packages allow patients to make monthly payments to access a specific number of annual dental visits or dental treatments.

This can generate reliable monthly income for your clinic, encourage patients to adhere to regular visits, and, in the event of a dental emergency, ensure that patients are financially committed enough to consider your recommended treatments.

Make It Easy To Access Third-Party Financial Assistance

In Canada, various programs are available to assist families with their oral health costs, depending on their location. Nationwide, for example, there is the Canada Dental Benefit—intended to help lower dental costs for eligible families earning less than $90,000 annually. In Ontario specifically, there is Healthy Smiles Ontario (for youth 17 and under) and The Ontario Seniors Dental Care Program. 

Making program information readily available—or even helping with applications—is an excellent way to bridge the gap within your community. It can also serve to make your services more accessible.

Introduce Easy Financing

Introducing an easy financing option into your business is the most efficient way to help patients manage the upfront costs of necessary procedures and treatments.

Using a financing partner like LendCare provides your patients with a seamless financing experience, regardless of their credit score. With just a few taps on a smartphone, tablet or computer, they can easily apply online and receive an approval decision in seconds. This enables them to proceed with their treatment immediately or confidently book an appointment.

A significant advantage is that it requires no additional administrative work. Also, depending on your program, there is no extra cost to your clinic.


If you’d like to explore how LendCare’s dental financing can benefit your clinic, click here to contact us today.

Extra Payments Made Easy

We’ve made it easy for you to manage your loan with flexible payment options.

Making extra payments on your loan is a great way to make progress toward your financial goals.   

Here’s how you can get started: 

Click here for detailed instructions.