The LendCare Blog

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13 octobre 2022

Off-Season ATV Maintenance Tips Every Rider Should Know

If you want to let your ATV hibernate, it's not as simple as just throwing it in the garage until spring. Here are five things to remember as you prepare your ATV for the winter.
11 octobre 2022

Five Places to Park & Soak Up The Autumn Splendor

Autumn is the most beautiful season, with the leaves exploding in color like a million static fireworks displays. We've compiled five spots you may want to consider.
5 octobre 2022

Seasonal Tips Every RV Owner Should Follow In The Colder Months

Here are three items to add to your checklist to help you prepare your RV for frosty up north trips.
3 octobre 2022
Home Improvement

Ready For The Cold? Here Is A Checklist Every Homeowner Needs

Fall is the perfect time to start getting things ready; below are five things every homeowner should have on their to-do list.
28 septembre 2022

Protect Your Investment: 3 Ways To Protect Your Car From Theft

Imagine getting up in the morning, brushing your teeth, drinking your coffee and scrolling through Facebook before heading out the door, only to discover that your car has gone missing.
27 septembre 2022

LendCare Partners With Eye Recommend, Canada’s Leading Cooperative of Independent Optometrists

Easy financing will empower millions of Canadians without insurance to confidently invest in vision care for their families.
26 septembre 2022
Home Improvement

Four Energy Efficient Upgrades That Can Save You Money Each Month

Fall is officially here, which means pumpkin spice everything, colourful trees slowly shedding leaves all over lawns and—to a less exciting degree—a crisp chill in the air. As mercury drops on thermometers, our need to be warm increases dramatically, affecting heating and energy bills, depending on one's home.
19 septembre 2022

Used Car Shopping? Why Hybrids Could Be A Great Option

In the current state of the world, the climate is—understandably—a hot-button topic. With the weather having lost its once-held sense of predictability, leading to dire effects around the globe, many countries have set aggressive goals for reducing harmful greenhouse gas emissions, including introducing a slew of green energy initiatives. One of the most prominent and widely discussed (considering recent gas price surges) has been electric vehicles and the slow phase-out of gas-fueled ones.

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