The LendCare Blog

De l’information à s’en gaver le cerveau sur tous les aspects des affaires

7 novembre 2019

Potentiel du marché récréatif - Présenté par la génération Y

Under the impression most millennials borrow money from their parents and still live at home? Think again…
7 novembre 2019

C'est son chemin ou l'autoroute !

80-95% of all car buying decisions are made by women. That means almost every sales pitch you make, at the end of the day, is decided upon by a woman.
6 novembre 2019

C'est l'heure de pointe pour les prêts non préférentiels

Did you know 30% of Canadians cannot get bank or OEM financing approval for their new vehicle?
6 novembre 2019

Le BRP Club 2020 électrise l'industrie des sports motorisés

Back in 2008, Tesla changed the auto game forever, when they released the very first fully electric- powered car.

Extra Payments Made Easy

We’ve made it easy for you to manage your loan with flexible payment options.

Making extra payments on your loan is a great way to make progress toward your financial goals.   

Here’s how you can get started: 

Click here for detailed instructions.