22 August 2022
Losing weight is demonstrably tricky for a large portion of society. Not to mention, living in a world flooded with unhealthy options doesn’t help. Weight issues affect 39% of the global population, with 13% (or just over one billion people) being clinically obese. As of 2018, the number of Canadians with increased health risks due to excess weight sat around 63.1%.
What’s more, Statistics Canada says that nearly a third of Canadian kids under 17 are overweight or obese. Simply eating better and exercising seems straightforward, but it’s not always so cut and dry; in some cases, it isn’t feasible without outside intervention.
For those who cannot do it alone, medically supervised programs can help achieve and sustain life-changing weight loss goals.
Generally reserved for those with a higherbody mass index (a formula that uses various data points to assess your risk for diseases related to your weight), four types of programs exist, based on a patient’s situation.
Dietary controlled meal plans
This option involves having a registered dietician or nutritionist either create a specialized meal plan or have meals prepared and delivered directly to you—depending on the budget and scope of the program you choose. There is a margin of error, as some who struggle with overcoming willpower may find it hard not to cheat.
Liquid meals
These options supplement drinks, like shakes, for regular meals; it’s a well-studied method that many have found incredibly effective (especially when paired with a specialized meal plan). One study showed controlling a group's calorie intake using liquid meals and slowly increasing calorie intake over time reduced body fat by up to 10% on average.
Those who find it especially hard to commit to dietary programs—and those who may have goals that are a bit more aggressive than others—may need to offset their chosen path toward weight loss with medication, which would help to curb their appetite further. This eliminates their ability to impede their own success
Surgical Weight Loss
Sometimes the weight one needs to lose is far too great to be done without surgical intervention such restrictive surgery, which ranks among the most prevalent. These either shrink the size of the stomach to slow digestion or involve removing a portion of a digestive tract, reducing the body’s ability to absorb calories. Though the latter alone is less popular with doctors.
More recently, many have opted for installing a device that disrupts nerve signals between the stomach and the brain.
Ultimately, your options will depend on your specific financial situation. However, you don’t have to let your current bank balance dictate your long-term well-being. LendCare’s healthcare financing can help you turn treatment or procedure costs into smaller, manageable monthly payments.Contact us today to learn more.
Making extra payments on your loan is a great way to make progress toward your financial goals.
Here’s how you can get started:
E-Transfers: Quickly send payments directly from your bank’s online platform.
In-Person Deposits: Visit any BMO branch for personalized service.
Payee Setup: Add LendCare as a payee in your bank account for seamless future payments.
Click here for detailed instructions.